Langara College

Country Canada
University name Langara College
English notation Langara College

Location Vancouver, British Columbia
study abroad period
Dormitory fee
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions
University information A public two-year college established in Vancouver in 1994 (a college is an educational institution that aims to acquire knowledge and skills that are directly linked to careers).About 2 students.It is conveniently located with one train ride to downtown Vancouver and Vancouver International Airport.
Major Fields: Arts, Management/Economics, Engineering, Humanities/Sociology, Nursing/Medicine
Location information Vancouver is a port city in southwestern British Columbia, Canada.It's on the border with America.Although it is the third largest city in Canada after Toronto and Montreal, it is called "the most livable city in the world" because of its environment where you can feel close to nature.With an average annual temperature of 3°C, it is one of the warmest regions in Canada.
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