Gadjah Mada University

Country Indonesia
University name Gadjah Mada University
English notation Gadjah Mada University

Location Yogyakarta City
study abroad period Fall Semester August - December
Spring Semester March - June
Dormitory fee About 15,000 yen per month
Depending on the vacancies, you may not be able to enter the dormitory.In that case, you will be staying in a dormitory (near the campus) recommended by Gadjah Mada University.
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions

Any subject can be taken. TOEFL-paper based: 550 points or iBT: 70 points or more and GPA 3 or more required.

*Please note that the above information is subject to change, so be sure to contact the university's Global Education Center orRYUGOCheck for the latest information.

University information The oldest and largest higher education institution in Indonesia.It was established in Yogyakarta in 1949.National comprehensive university.Many celebrities and celebrities have been produced and are active in a wide range of fields such as politics and economics.About 55,000 students. 18 faculties (Biology, Economics/Business, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Geography, Law, Cultural Studies, Politics/Sociology, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Forestry, Science, Agriculture, Zoology, Engineering, Agricultural Engineering) , psychology).
Location information

Yogyakarta City is the capital of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is located on the central southern coast of Java Island in the Republic of Indonesia.A tourist destination that has prospered as the center of Java since ancient times and has preserved its own unique culture.In addition to the two World Heritage Sites in the suburbs, the royal palace, market, and museums in the city still retain the vestiges of those days.On the other hand, it is also famous as a student town, and many universities are concentrated there.

May to October is the dry season, and November to March is the rainy season.Hot and humid throughout the year.

Corresponding program global study
Exchange student

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