Appalachian State University

Country America
University name Appalachian State University
English notation Appalachian State University

Location Boone, North Carolina
study abroad period
Dormitory fee
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions
University information State University in Boone, North Carolina. It was founded in 1899 as a college for teacher training. It became a comprehensive university in 1967 and currently has 5 faculties and 170 majors. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System, which consists of 16 universities, and majors such as business management, education, and psychology are popular.Attractive green campus.
Location information Boone is a small town in northern North Carolina.It is located at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, one of the Appalachian Mountains on the eastern side of the North American continent.Boone is named after the famous explorer Daniel Boone.In Boone, the summers are warm and the winters are very cold and wet. The average daytime temperature in January is -1°C, and blizzards are common.
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