New York City University Staten Island

Country America
University name New York City University Staten Island
English notation The City University of New York, College of Staten Islands

Location Staten Island, NY
study abroad period
Dormitory fee
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions
University information A public university founded in 1976 located in Staten Island, New York.Founded as a community college, it is now one of the colleges that make up the City University of New York.There is a beautiful campus, which is said to be the largest in New York City, in the center of Staten Island.About 1 students.Popular majors include business, psychology, social sciences, and computers.
Location information Staten Island is an island in New York City, New York, USA.Located at the mouth of New York Bay, it is bordered by Manhattan to the north, Brooklyn to the east, and New Jersey to the west.A free ferry runs every 30 minutes from Staten Island to Manhattan.Adjacent to Manhattan, New York, one of the world's largest cities, it is an area that still retains traces of its pioneering days, and offers a tranquil residential area.
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