California State University, Fullerton

Country America
University name California State University, Fullerton
English notation California State University, Fullerton

Location fullerton, california
study abroad period
Dormitory fee
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions
University information A state university founded in 1957 in Fullerton, California.One school affiliated with California State University.About 38,000 students. Among the 23 California State Universities, it has the largest number of students.
Major Fields: Humanities, Business, Economics, Education, Communication, Engineering, Information Science, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, etc.
Location information Fullerton is a city in Orange County, California, United States.Located between Los Angeles and San Diego.Population about 12.It takes about an hour to downtown Los Angeles by car or public transportation OCTA.In addition to higher education institutions such as California State University Fullerton and Fullerton College, there are also many language schools.The climate is warm all year round.
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