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Kansai International University is a university with campuses in Chuo Ward, Kobe City, Amagasaki City, and Miki City. We have established seven departments (Global Communication, Tourism, Social Studies, Psychology, Education and Welfare, Management, and Nursing) and two graduate schools (Human Behavior and Nursing). We offer a variety of learning opportunities that will help you learn.

Universities that can grow

encourage growth
there is a trigger

Progressive Learning Initiatives Realize Growth

Students at Kansai University of International Studies experience learning differently from other universities

"Often/Sometimes"Percentage of KUISs students who answered

Themes to consider in class
set by the student 55.7%
(All universities...38.2%)

students in class
have a discussion 84.0%
(All universities...65.9%)

the student's thoughts and
publish a study 87.5%
(All universities...71.4%)

Teachers correct submissions and
return with a comment 79.2%
(All universities...58.6%)

Students who feel that their abilities have improved

presentation ability73.4%
(All universities...63.9%)

communication ability77.2%
(All universities...65.3%)

leadership ability63.3%
(All universities...43.4%)

collaborate with others
power to get things done80.3%
(All universities...71.0%)

degree of growth86.3%

[ University IR Consortium Student Survey
From “Senior Student Survey 2020” *]

Experience the "world"
plenty of opportunities

Learning that emphasizes experiences that lead to growth

Ability change after admission /
knowledge of people from different cultures

"great increase"
KUISs students who answered
(All IR Consortium member schools...59.2%)

class experience/
Experiments, practical training, fieldwork, etc., where students learn experientially

"I was often
It was sometimes

KUISs students who answered
(All IR Consortium member schools...64.8%)

Source: University IR Consortium Student Survey “Senior Student Survey 2020”
The University IR Consortium is a general incorporated association with 61 national, public, and private universities (as of December 2021, 12) as members, and will measure educational performance using questionnaires common to all member schools. , and carry out activities to clarify the characteristics of each university and help improve education.Our university has been a member since 3.


High satisfaction with learning support

Satisfaction with university education /
Educational program content for first-year students
(Freshman seminar, basic seminar, etc.)

"Very Satisfied and Satisfied"
KUISs students who answered


(All IR Consortium member schools...35.6%)

learning attitude/
Consult with faculty and staff about learning,
I used the learning support room on campus

"I frequently

KUISs students who answered


(All IR Consortium member schools...23.4%)

in a fulfilling environment
Learn at your leisure

Attractive university atmosphere

Adaptation to university education/
become acquainted with a university professor

"It went very well
How well did it go

KUISs students who answered


(All IR Consortium member schools...56.8%)

Satisfaction of student life

"Are substantial·
Fairly fulfilling”

KUISs students who answered


(All IR Consortium member schools...77.9%)

Source: University IR Consortium Student Survey “Senior Student Survey 2020”

Course satisfaction
Aiming for 100%

Proud of thorough career support

Are you satisfied with your career after graduation?

"Is pleased·
I am a little satisfied.”

KUISs students who answered

What was your preferred career path after graduation?

"First choice"
KUISs students who answered


“Aspiration level at the beginning of job hunting for companies scheduled to join (2022 graduates)”
Research by Recruit Shushoku Mirai Institute

I consulted university faculty and staff about my future career(Career after graduation, occupation selection, etc.)

"I frequently

KUISs students who answered
(All universities...26.0%)


University IR Consortium Student Survey “Senior Student Survey 2020”


visible in numbers

Campus introduction