Social cooperation center


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Social cooperation centerabout

The Social Collaboration Center was established to promote exchange and collaboration between Kansai University of International Studies and the local community.
At the center, students can deepen their specialized learning in the community through experiential learning such as service learning and volunteer work. We provide various experiential learning opportunities while keeping in mind the cultivation of
In addition, we are also focusing on efforts to contribute to the local community, and we believe that "contribution to the local community" is one of the major missions of the university.As an institution of higher education rooted in the community, our university also actively carries out projects that are closely related to the community, such as the Clinical Psychology Center (Miki).

To students

Hands-on learning program

Aiming at the educational philosophy of our university, "persons who are self-reliant," "persons who can contribute to society," and "spiritually rich citizens of the world," based on the cooperation of related departments and departments, we have established subjects that particularly involve social participation. We provide support for off-campus experiential learning from a university-wide standpoint.

To everyone in the area

Program open to the public

As a place for lifelong learning for working adults and as an opportunity to open the university to local people, we hold various public lectures, liberal arts courses, computer courses, and other public lectures.In addition, by making classes open to people outside the university, we hope to gain an understanding of our educational activities, which will lead to further educational improvements.


Kobe Yamate Campus
Building No. 1, 1st floor office
650-0006 Suwayama-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 3-1
TEL: 078-371-6811 FAX: 078-351-7173
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-17:00
Amagasaki Campus
3rd floor office
661-0976-1 Shioe, Amagasaki 3-23
TEL: 06-6496-4103 FAX: 06-6496-4321
Miki Campus
Building No. 2 1st floor
〒673-0521 1-18 Aoyama, Shisome-cho, Miki-shi
TEL: 0794-84-3505 FAX: 0794-84-3562