Hamana Yamate Gakuin Educational Corporation 100th anniversary

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Hamana Yamate Gakuin Educational Corporation Chairman/Director
Kansai International University President

Atsushi Hamana

Hamana Yamate Gakuin Educational Corporation will make a new start due to the merger of Hamana Gakuin Educational Corporation and Kobe Yamate Gakuen Educational Corporation in April 2020, and will celebrate its 4th anniversary in 2024.
Upon the merger, we newly established the "Hamana Yamate Academy Educational Mission" to encompass the educational activities of the entire academy.While respecting the founding spirit of the university and each school, the school as a whole strives to provide education that helps students develop and acquire basic skills that will enable them to continue learning throughout their lives in an ever-changing society. It is a statement that we will do so.
In addition, the universities and schools established by the academy are facing a difficult business environment including a declining population, and a new society is coming due to the progress of DX and globalization, and the current coronavirus pandemic has caused these social changes to occur. Although the pace of education is accelerating further, in order to respond appropriately to these trends, we are promoting reforms and developing unique educational activities that are rooted in the region.

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Principal of Kobe Yamate Girls Junior and Senior High School
Masaaki Hirai
The school's educational mission is to ``send out into the world people who can independently and proactively carve out their own lives while respecting others.''Under these circumstances, our school has set the goals of ``nurturing future-type global leadership'' and ``100% career satisfaction'' under the founding spirit of ``self-study'' and ``emotional cultivation'', which have been the founding principles of our school since its founding. We are evolving education, English/global education, ICT education, collaborative education between junior high schools, high schools, and universities, club activities, etc.
Global citizenship (awareness of global citizenship, global citizenship) is now required in order to create a society that respects peace, society, and diversity.In order to sustain a peaceful and prosperous society, we want our students to acquire the strength to carve out a path in their lives by discerning the essence of things, realizing that there is no single correct answer, and honing their skills to find the optimal solution. I would like it.Here, all of our faculty and staff pledge to be the best facilitators in helping each and every student realize their dreams.

100th anniversary commemorative projects and events

Objectives of the commemorative event
Kansai University of International Studies

In response to the global climate change issue, we will create an environment that is safe to use and accessible to a wide range of students. We will install new air conditioning to deal with the global rise in temperature, improve parking facilities to make it safer for students who commute by car, and provide amenities that will allow as many diverse students as possible to experience comfort.
①Development of facilities to improve amenities, safety and security at Kobe Yamate Campus
②Improvement of the gymnasium at Miki Campus
③Improvement of parking facilities for students at the Miki Campus

Kansai Child Care and Welfare College

Based on our tradition of "more than 70 years of childcare and welfare," we will nurture professionals who will support us for the next 100 years and who will be responsible for "childcare and early childhood education" that values ​​the global universal value of "love." To nurture such professionals, we will establish a 100th anniversary scholarship based on your donations.

Kobe Yamate Girls' Junior and Senior High School (From 2025, Kobe Yamate Global Junior and Senior High School)

Building on the tradition of educating girls to date, we will be developing the facilities to create a new tradition of global coeducational education.
① Improving facilities and equipment necessary for coeducation
②Development of facilities and equipment that enhances student satisfaction and takes safety and security into consideration
③Improvement of air conditioning in the second gymnasium to accommodate increased extracurricular activities by students
④Purchase of equipment and supplies to promote global education (purchase of multilingual translation tools, etc.)

Certified childcare facility Kansai International University Nanba Ai no Sono Kindergarten

We aim to enhance environmental education at the kindergarten so that children can learn from an early age about the issues of climate change, which progress on a global level, and the universal concept of diversity, through the "abundance of nature."
The playground has been turned into a lawn and wooden playground equipment has been installed to give the school a natural feel (a schoolyard improvement project that conveys a sense of excitement)

Overview of the commemorative events

Major commemorative events at each school
<Kansai Childcare and Welfare College>
 School Festival November 11nd
 Disaster Prevention Seminar November 11rd
<Kobe Yamate Girls' Junior and Senior High School>
Education Symposium October 10th
Christmas Festival December 12th
Musical Year Yamate Concert December 12nd
<Namba Ai no Sono Kindergarten>
100th anniversary tree planting (after garden renovation)
Sports Day October 10th

100th Anniversary Video

100 anniversary
Merger edition 
Corona response edition
Future edition


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History of Kobe Yamate Gakuen Educational Corporation

In the late Taisho period, Seizo Sugino, principal of Kobe City Yamate Elementary School, saw the coming of a new era and wanted to give girls the opportunity to receive a secondary education, so he established Yamate Gakushuin, the predecessor of our school, as a commemorative project to celebrate the marriage of Prince Higashinomiya (Emperor Showa) in 1924. Since then, the school has overcome many hardships, including the Great Hanshin Flood, war, and the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and continues to uphold the founding spirit of "self-study and cultivating the emotions."

Ai no Sono Kindergarten building (at the time of establishment) image 2.jpg

History of Hamana Gakuin Educational Corporation

In 25, Misao Hamana decided to build a kindergarten based on her belief that ``postwar reconstruction lies in education, especially early childhood education.'' He established ``Ai no Sono Kindergarten'' with the founding spirit of ``Iai Tae En'', that is, ``making a school with love.''It also opened a kindergarten teacher and childcare training school, and later became a vocational school and opened a nursing care and welfare department, and opened the current ``Kansai Childcare and Welfare College.''From this base, with the cooperation of Miki City, Kansai International University was opened.

New history as Hamana Yamate Gakuin Educational Corporation

In April 2020, due to the corporate merger of Hamana Gakuin School Corporation and Kobe Yamate Gakuen School Corporation, the name was changed to Hamana Yamate Gakuin School Corporation.As a result, it will become a comprehensive academy consisting of an accredited nursery school, junior high and high schools, vocational schools, universities and graduate schools.While respecting the spirit of each school's founding, in a world that is undergoing major changes due to globalization and the development of science and technology, our new educational mission as a school is to ``respect others while independently and proactively Our goal is to send people out into the world who can carve out their own path in life, and we aim to develop human resources who can concretely implement the three Cs (Communication, Consideration, and Commitment), providing a rich education that will lead to the next 4 years. We are expanding our activities.


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