Faculty of Sociology

Department of Sociology

Kobe Yamate Campus

With Kobe as the field, students can learn across a wide range of fields,
Nurturing talent to shape a better society.

NEWS & columns Department News/Column

  • Point01

    An attractive field to study society International city

    The international city of Kobe from the first year
    Learn as a field.

  • point02

    with a practical curriculum Investigative ability

    as a specialist in society
    Research and data skills to be active
    to wear.

  • Point03

    A fusion of humanities and science Extensive curriculum

    Learning across disciplines,
    Develop the ability to respond to social issues.

Learn Features of learning

Faculty of Sociology where you can learn data science in response to social changes
Learn across fields and acquire the ability to respond to social issues.

Features of learning

Students Voice Message

  • Ichino Kandai

    Ichino KandaiSan

    Graduated from Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Kohoku High School

    It's interesting to survey a large number of people and come to one conclusion.

    For example, when it's cold, do people choose clothes with cool colors or warm colors? Are there any trends in the answers depending on gender or age? "Social Survey Exercises" are classes in which students draw conclusions based on data obtained from surveys such as street interviews. I particularly enjoyed the survey on "preferences in comedy." Analysis revealed that women and older people tend to dislike tsukkomi that hit people over the head and vulgar jokes. I gained skills that will be useful even after I enter the workforce, such as the ability to listen and think, how to write easy-to-understand reports, and presentation skills.

  • Sae Yoshida

    Sae YoshidaSan

    Graduated from Yamanashi Prefectural Hikawa High School

    I discovered the live music and event industry during the COVID-4 pandemic. With the knowledge and drive I gained over the past four years, I set out on my first choice path.

    When I was a high school student during the COVID-3 pandemic, I met a YouTube idol and was greatly encouraged, which led me to become interested in live shows and events. In order to deepen that interest and gain experience that will be useful in the industry, after entering university, I worked as a volunteer at music festivals, a staff member at the university's open campus, and the chairman of the university festival executive committee, acquiring practical skills and knowledge. In addition, when I studied abroad in Korea in my third year, I actively participated in local events and learned deeply about the depth, meaning, and way of thinking of events. In seminar activities, I studied under a professor who researched live shows and music festivals, and while facing the challenges of the industry, I was able to have a concrete vision for my future career. I was able to receive a job offer from my first choice, a concert event company, and I believe that a major factor in this was that my rich experience and learning over the past four years were directly linked to industry research. I hope you will continue to challenge yourself in the things that interest you. I'm sure your future path will open up.

  • Michiko Shimizu

    Michiko ShimizuDean

    Main subjects
    Family Sociology, Gender Theory

    Learning in the region and solving the problems of modern society
    Aiming for human resources who can respond

    In the Department of Sociology, students learn in a composite manner according to their awareness of issues and interests, using keywords such as symbiotic society, culture and media, and data science. Here lies the deep learning and experience gained through going back and forth between classroom learning and interaction with the local community.Armed with knowledge and experience, let's aim to become human resources who can respond to the challenges of modern society.

Other Other

License Qualifications to aim for

Department of Sociology
High School Teacher's License (Information) / Social Researcher / IT Passport / Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination / Web Creator Ability Certification Test / Web Design Practitioner / Advanced Information Processing Specialist / Disaster Prevention Specialist, etc.

Career future course

Employment rate 97.3%

March 2024 graduates

*Reorganized into the Department of Sociology from 2021

Employment Record/Aimed Career Path

Kamigumi Co., Ltd. / Nippon Suisan Co., Ltd. / Japan Post Co., Ltd. / Panasonic Reform Co., Ltd. / Ikeshita Sekkei Co., Ltd. / DAIWACYCLE Corporation / PanaHome Hyogo Co., Ltd. / McDonald's Japan Co., Ltd. / Senko Co., Ltd. / AEON Food Supply Co., Ltd. / Takayama Shoten Co., Ltd. / Nichii Gakkan Co., Ltd. / MANIX Co., Ltd. / G-7 Holdings Co., Ltd. / Shinko Sports Co., Ltd. / Nextage Co., Ltd. / Lions Real Estate Co., Ltd. / REC Co., Ltd. / Heian Co., Ltd. / Itami Sangyo Co., Ltd. / Kansai Supermarket Co., Ltd. / Daikokuten Bussan Co., Ltd. / Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. / Hotel New Awaji Co., Ltd. / Tanada Building Materials Co., Ltd. / Toyota Mobility Parts Co., Ltd. / Nissan Parts Kinki Sales Co., Ltd. / Bear Foster Holdings Co., Ltd. / Shinwa Golf Maintenance Co., Ltd. / Kobe Steel, Ltd. / Sumitomo Real Estate Sales Co., Ltd. / Nesta Resort Kobe Co., Ltd. / Grand Dome Kobe Tenku / Hyogo Shinkin Bank / Universal Engeisha Co., Ltd. / Fukuyama Transporting Co., Ltd. / Welcia Pharmacy Co., Ltd., and more
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