About part-time job
The Student Affairs Division introduces part-time jobs to students who need to supplement their tuition and living expenses with part-time income.
We are working to introduce part-time jobs that are compatible with your studies, but we ask all students to be careful not to interfere with their health and studies, and to choose a part-time job that is suitable for them.Work part-time with the awareness that you are a student and a member of society at the same time.
When applying for a part-time job, be sure to check the wages, working hours, work content, and work location.Also, if you are treated unfairly, such as wages, working hours, etc. that are different from what is posted on the bulletin board, please report it to the Student Affairs Division.
Where to view part-time job listings | |
Miki Campus | The bulletin board on the right side of "Student Life" at the student entrance |
Amagasaki Campus | Bulletin board in front of the 3F elevator |
Kobe Yamate Campus | Bulletin board in front of the Student Affairs Division, Building 1 |
For traders
Part-time job placement at the university is done with educational considerations, and the following part-time jobs are considered inappropriate as student part-time jobs and will not be placed at the university.Items that do not meet the following precautions will be posted on the on-campus bulletin board.To apply for posting, please fill in the part-time job recruitment form within the bold frame and send it to the following contact information by fax or mail.
The posting period will be one month, and students will be asked to apply directly.If there is an extension of the posting period, we will accept it by phone, so please take care of it.
- Late-night work (after 9:XNUMX p.m.)
- Businesses and places of employment that are not morally desirable, such as serving customers at places where drinking is the main activity (izakaya, bars, etc.), sex clubs, pachinko, etc.
- Dangerous work (work in high places, work using dangerous chemicals or tools, work on roads)
- Sales with Quotas
- part-time job at home
- Recruitment from remote locations
- Work related to human life such as helper (conditional permission) → If compensation such as insurance is provided at work, permission may be granted
Part-time job posting application
Recruitment slip (for part-time job introduction)
campus | FAX | Address | |
Student Affairs Division contact information | Miki Campus | 0794-84-3535 | 〒673-0521 1-18 Aoyama, Shisome-cho, Miki-shi |
Amagasaki Campus | 06-6498-4748 | 661-0976-1 Shioe, Amagasaki 3-23 | |
Kobe Yamate Campus | 078-351-7173 | 651-0006 Suwayama-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 3-1 |