Global Network

International Collaboration

The number of universities with which KUISs signed international agreements is growing year by year. We now have over 80 partner universities. Those are primarily located in the Asia-Pacific region, where Japan will be closely involved with into now and in the future.


Major Partner Universities

Asian Cooperative Program (ACP)

The ACP Consortium was launched in 2014, when we invited universities in Southeast Asia to join. It is a region that faces the threat of natural disasters that are similar to those in Japan, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The consortium is engaged in a wide variety of activities, including the joint development of educational programs on Safety Management.

What is ACP

ACP Consortium by 16 Universities

ACP Universities are collaborating to

  • Develop contents of educational programs focusing on "Safety Management"
  • conduct those educational programs
    Package those educational programs and provide students with "certificate", "credential", "degree"
  • Share educational materials and customize them into each university's educational system
  • Set opportunities (workshops, short term programs, cooperative research, and so on), in which students/faculty members can participat

Composition of the ACP Certificate Program

Certificate program as the step towards Global Action Learning

[KUISs] Overview of Safety Management Education

What is "BOSAISHI"?

  • BOSAISHIs are expected to work actively for disaster risk reduction (DRR) at households, communities and workplaces.


  • For this purpose, Bosaishi Credential objectively certifies their basic knowledge on DRR.

BOSAISHI Cultivation Curriculum at KUISs

KUISs launched the Disaster Management Instructor (BOSAISHI) Credential Curriculum named " Disaster Risk Reduction Study" for our Students from Sep. 2016

ACP Activities

ACP Conferences Held From 2014

  Date Host Theme
1 11/3/2014 MSU/Malaysia Inauguration of the ACP consortium
2 5/28/2015 KUISs/Japan International Association Discussion about future development
3 3/7/2016 MSU/Malaysia Implementation of Off- Campus Program Discussion about success of activities today and future plans
4 9/8/2016 TU/Thailand Safety Management Certification Program Discussion about implementation
5 2/28/2017 UUM/Malaysia Plan for ACP Certificate Program (common syllabus)
6 2/12/2018 UNILA/Indonesia Execution of MOU to issue joint certificates by four universities
7 2/28/2019 KUISs/Japan Report on implementation of the program at each university
8 8/30/2019 UGM/Indonesia Discussion on ACP common Rubric and expansion of ACP activities
9 4/6/2021 KUISs/Online Next step of joint certificate program organized by ACP universities
10 3/1/2012 KUISs/Japan Academic Management and Inter-University Collaboration in the Post-COVID 19 era
11 3/21/2023 UUM/Malaysia Cooperation and collaboration within the universities in the Post COVID-19 era
12 9/19/2023 UD/Vietnam Safety Management for Sustainable Development in Asia


ACP International Field Study Programs since 2016


ACP News Letter

Please see the ACP News Letter from the link below.



Joint Development of Citizen Empowerment Program for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia

Southeast Asian countries have been hindered from sustainable development by recurring disasters. Until now, disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures and recovery/reconstruction assistance have been provided to the region mainly through technology transfer and hardware development from developed countries, but in the future, citizens in each region are expected to take the initiative in promoting autonomous and continuous activities in collaboration with various local stakeholders (NGOs, universities, and local governments). In order to realize this, the training of key persons who will serve as the axis of regional activities is an urgent issue.

This program will expand the DRR education program developed by Kansai University of International Studies (KUISs) and the Asian Cooperative Program (ACP), a consortium of universities in six Southeast Asian countries, to develop local DRR leaders in collaboration with research institutions, citizen groups, NGOs, and others.

Research institutions and local communities will continue to serve as donors, and the program will lead to the realization of a safe and secure society by spreading the training and award system for citizen DRR leaders in each region.

Product Information

・Grant period: November 2023 - October 2025 (2 years)

・Total grant amount: 8.7 million yen

・Project target countries: Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia

・Participating organizations: Kansai University of International Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Asian Disaster Reduction Center, FM Waiwai, Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency (CODE), Plus Arts, Bokomi-Badran, Lintas Radio Station, Negrepang Village, Kasongan Village, Mercy Malaysia, Yan River KAMC



Inter-University Exchange Project.

Nurturing Global Entrepreneurship Mindset,StartUp Collaboration among a University Global Network.

Main Counterpart Countries


Western Sydney University



Keele University



University of Delhi



Vancouver Island University

This program, which was adopted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, aims to nurture entrepreneurs of the new era together with universities in four foreign countries, Japanese industries, local governments and support groups.

Inter-University Exchange Project