global study


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What is a global study?

The world is your campus!Diverse overseas experience programs

All faculties have opportunities for overseas experience

Now more than ever, it is necessary to deepen mutual understanding and strengthen relationships with people around the world.Since 2011, our university has been implementing a learning program called "Global Study" that focuses on "experiences" that connect with the world, in order to acquire the ability to think about things from an international perspective.By meeting and interacting with people with different cultures and ideas, students develop the ability to understand diverse values ​​and cultural backgrounds.

Students from all faculties of our university can participate in the global study.

Program introduction

There are various program styles for global studies.

  • Overseas travel program
    Students actually go abroad to conduct surveys and social contribution activities.
  • Online program
    You can connect with the local community through web conferencing systems, etc., experience the lives of local people while staying in Japan, and conduct joint research with students from partner universities.
  • Domestic program
    Through service learning in the foreign community in Japan, you will think deeply about multicultural coexistence in your own living area.

Implementation program list


2024Years10Month26On Saturday, at the Kobe Yamate Campus,2024Summer termglobal studyGeneral ReportWas held.

The participants were divided into six programs based on the country of their study abroad, and each program featured a rotation of participants, who gave presentations on their activities, research results, and learning outcomes three times a day.

Each program focused on a different theme, and students spoke in detail about their own experiences, the challenges that emerged from their research, and the solutions they offer to these issues.

Debriefing session

Types Theme Country/Region/Partner State

Inter-University Exchange Project

XNUM X days

Development of entrepreneur training curriculum through industry-academia-government collaboration venture ecosystem creation Australia/Sydney
Western Sydney
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Overseas travel program

XNUM X days

Learning future tourism strategies from South Korea, a country with a declining birthrate, and exploring the possibilities of Japan-Korea collaboration for inbound tourists South Korea/Seoul
Sangmyung University Indeok University

Overseas travel program

XNUM X days

International collaborative disaster prevention education program for children in disaster-prone Southeast Asia Indonesia/Yogyakarta
Atma Jaya Jog・University of Jakarta
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How can we utilize AI technology in our post-corona society?

- Let's think about the effective use of facial recognition, drones, autonomous driving, etc. -

China/Qingdao City, Shandong Province
Qingdao Binhai Academy
Domestic Thinking about cultural exchanges, including expressions with Brazil Kansai Brazilian
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Overseas travel program

XNUM X days

Clarifying your vision for the future through overseas work experience


(DonzuJapanese Language School)


Types Theme Country/Region/Partner State
Inter-University Exchange Project
Travel period: 11 days
Development of entrepreneur training curriculum through industry-academia-government collaboration venture ecosystem creation Australia/Sydney
western sydney university
Inter-University Exchange Project
Travel period: 10 days
Volunteer training to learn tourism hospitality in Hawaii America/Hawaii
Kapiolani Community College
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Inter-University Exchange Project
Travel period: 10 days
Experiential training related to tourist resorts in California

America/Los Angeles
College of Desert

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Inter-University Exchange Project
Travel period: 12 days
Fieldwork on crime with a focus on community crime prevention and youth crime in the United States

America/Los Angeles
College of Canyons

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Overseas program
Travel period: 12 days
Fieldwork on climate change and disaster mitigation measures and disaster prevention education practice in Vietnam Vietnam
University of Da Nang
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Overseas program
Travel period: 19 days
Study abroad to experience cross-cultural communication Taiwan/Taichung
Asia University
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Overseas program
Travel period: 23 days

Spreading Japan's "safety and security" to the world: Educational support aimed at building a better living environment

University of the Philippines Cebu
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Overseas program
Travel period: 18 days

Creative learning support activities aimed at ensuring safe and secure educational opportunities for children in Cambodia

Cambodia/Phnom Penh
Norton University
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Overseas program
Travel period: 12 days
Türkiye Earthquake Area Student Exchange Program Türkiye/Ankara
Middle East University of Technology
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Overseas program
Travel period: 14 days
A nursing professional human resource development program that aims to improve cross-cultural understanding in order to care for foreigners. Indonesia/Yogyakarta
Gadjah Mada University
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Online Activities to support CLIL-style Japanese language education for students belonging to the Japanese Language Department of Anshan Normal School Anshan City, Liaoning Province, China
Anshan Normal College
Online From an integrated perspective of SDGs, let's create a "safe and secure" future society by forming a team with overseas students and doing global and glocal innovation. Singapore
Nanyang Polytechnic

New tourism measures for the post-COVID era: "A plan to develop Kobe into an even more attractive city from the perspective of foreign tourists"

South Korea/Seoul
Sangmyung University
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Online How can we utilize AI technology in our post-COVID society? - Let's think about the effective use of facial recognition, drones, autonomous driving, etc. - China/Qingdao City, Shandong Province
Qingdao Binhai Academy
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Online Field research on Chinese cultural heritage and tourism resources China/Xian City, Shaanxi Province
Xian Foreign Affairs Academy



Current status and challenges of education for children with foreign roots in elementary schools

①Japan/Kobe City Elementary School

②Taiwan/National Taichung University of Education

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Domestic Current status and challenges of education for children with foreign roots in elementary schools Japan
Kansai Brazilian Community

Fieldwork for mutual understanding regarding "safety and security" by multinational students

(Collaborative program with students from overseas partner universities)

Japan Asset 1.png
Domestic Considering the human rights and diversity of immigrant children Japan
Kobe Residential Foreigners Support Center
Domestic Japanese learning support and exchange promotion for infants and children with foreign connections in Sanda City Japan
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Domestic Disaster prevention workshop for foreigners in Miki City Japan
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Domestic Collaborative education program on tourism and hospitality with students from the United States, Canada, and Malaysia Japan
Kobe, Awaji, Himeji
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✚ 2022 List
Types Theme Country/Region/Partner
Overseas program
Travel period: 3 weeks
Spreading Japan's "safety and security" to the world: Educational support aimed at building a better living environment Philippine
Overseas program
Travel period: 2 weeks
Fieldwork on climate change and mitigation measures and practice of disaster prevention education in Malaysia Malaysia
Overseas program
Travel period: 2 weeks
Creative learning support activities to ensure safe and secure educational opportunities for children in Cambodia Cambodia
Phnom Penh
Overseas program
Travel period: 8 days
Consider contributing to SDGs in the field of health and medical care with the aim of improving cross-cultural capabilities Taiwan
Online program Thinking about how to live every day so that you can feel well-being Cambodia
Kompong Thom
Online program Activities to support CLIL-style Japanese language education for students belonging to the Japanese Language Department of Anshan Normal School Chugoku
Online program Let's create a "safe and secure" future society from the integrative perspective of SDGs, and form a team with overseas students to achieve global and glocal innovation. Singapore
Online program Cross-cultural communication experience through online study abroad Taiwan
Online program New post-corona tourism measures “Plans for further attractive Kobe city development from the perspective of foreign tourists” South Korea
Online program The Current Situation and Challenges of Education for Children with Foreign Roots in Elementary Schools in Taiwan and Japan Taiwan
Online program Tips for living a happy life learned from Bhutan ブ ー タ タ
Online program Think about an overseas school trip plan with the theme of peace and nature Taiwan
Online program How to apply AI technology to our post-corona society Chugoku
Online program Field research on Chinese cultural heritage and tourism resources Chugoku
Domestic program Thinking about cultural exchanges, including expressions with Brazil Kansai Brazilian
Domestic program Fieldwork for mutual understanding on "safety and security" by multinational students Kansai University of International Studies
[Conducted with 20 students from overseas partner universities]
Domestic program Considering social inequalities and difficulties faced by foreign children Kobe Permanent Foreigner
Support center
Domestic program Japanese learning support and exchange promotion for infants and children with foreign connections in Sanda City Hyogo
Domestic program Disaster prevention workshop for foreigners in Miki City Hyogo
✚ 2019 List
Theme Message
Educational support aimed at building a better living environment than Japan's "safety and security" spreading to the world Philippines/University of the Philippines Cebu
Travel period: 23 days
Number of participants: 16
Scholarships, etc.: JASSO 7 yen
Unit: 3
Investigation of disaster mitigation measures in disaster-prone areas in Indonesia Indonesia/Gadjah Mada University
Travel period: 12 days
Number of participants: 22
Scholarships, etc.: JASSO 7 yen
Unit: 2
Foreign language education support activities at American community colleges USA/Salt Lake Community College
Travel period: 12 days
Number of participants: 13
Scholarships, etc.: JASSO 8 yen
Unit: 2
Clarify the future by learning about education and culture in South Korea and tourism expertise Korea Seoul/Indeok University
Travel period: 5 days
Number of participants: 31
Unit: 1
Support activities through modeling activities in after-school childcare in South Korea South Korea Busan / Dongseo University
Travel period: 5 days
Number of participants: 27
Unit: 1
Field research on "crime prevention in local communities" in Yangon, Myanmar Myanmar/Yangon University
Travel period: 9 days
Number of participants: 15
Scholarships, etc.: JASSO 7 yen
Unit: 2
Service learning for safety education and learning support in elementary schools in Cambodia Cambodia Phnom Penh/Norton University
Travel period: 17 days
Number of participants: 36
Scholarships, etc.: JASSO 7 yen
Unit: 2
Examination of Traumatic Memories of Cambodian Civil War Survivors-Utilizing Drawing Method and Qualitative Research Method- Cambodia Phnom Penh/Norton University
Travel period: 7 days
Number of participants: 14
Unit: 1
Field research on the involvement of Japan (companies) in Vietnam's economy and society Vietnam/Da Nang University
Travel period: 11 days
Number of participants: 25
Unit: 2
Fieldwork on crime with a focus on community crime prevention and youth crime in the United States USA Seattle/Bellevue College
Travel period: 11 days
Number of participants: 10
Scholarships, etc.: JASSO 8 yen
Unit: 1
Overseas internshipExperience working abroad to clarify your vision for the future Vietnam, China
Travel period: 2 weeks
Number of participants: 2
Scholarships, etc.: 6 yen
Unit: 2
Exchange student (dispatch) Exchange student dispatch program for the development of diverse glocal human resources Regional Acceptance Agreement Universities with Cooperating Universities
Travel period: 1 year (half a year)
Number of participants: 2
Scholarships, etc.: 6 to 7 yen
Unit: Determined individually

List of activity reports

✚2022 Activity Report
✚2020 Activity Report

In 2020, due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the program will not be held overseas.It will be changed to an alternative program to be implemented in Japan.

  • China/Shandong
  • China / Jiangsu
  • China/Liaoning
  • Taiwan / Taichung①
  • Taiwan / Taichung②
  • Korea/Seoul
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • Bhutan
  • Brazil
  • Japan / Kobe
✚2019 Activity Report
  • Vietnam / Danang②
  • Vietnam / Danang①
  • America / Seattle ①
  • Cambodia Ⅰ①
  • CambodiaⅡ②
  • Myanmar ①
  • CambodiaⅡ①
  • Korea / Seoul①
  • America / Salt Lake City②
  • Indonesia
  • Korea / Busan
  • America / Salt Lake City
  • Philippines③
  • Philippines②
  • Philippines①
✚2018 Activity Report
  • America / Seattle②
  • America / Seattle ①
  • China II / Liaoning②
  • KoreaⅠ / Busan①
  • China/Liaoning
  • Cambodia I
  • Taiwan Ⅰ / Taichung ①
  • CambodiaⅡ②
  • VietnamⅡ / Danang②
  • Taiwan/Takao
  • CambodiaⅡ①
  • Vietnam Ⅱ / Danang①
  • MyanmarⅡ①
  • PhilippinesⅡ / Diliman①
  • Korea / Seoul①
  • PhilippinesⅢ③
  • AmericaⅡ②
  • PhilippinesⅢ②
  • AmericaⅡ①
  • Indonesia Ⅱ
  • Philippines Ⅲ①
✚2017 Activity Report
  • Thailand/Bangkok
  • Korea/Seoul
  • China I / Jiangsu
  • Taiwan/Taichung
  • CambodiaⅡ②
  • Cambodia I
  • MyanmarⅡ④
  • CambodiaⅡ①
  • Taiwan/Kaohsiung
  • Myanmar Ⅱ③
  • MyanmarⅡ②
  • PhilippinesⅡ②
  • PhilippinesⅡ①
  • Indonesia Ⅱ
  • MyanmarⅡ①
  • China I / Qingdao
  • ThailandⅡ②
  • PhilippinesⅢ③
  • Korea Ⅰ / Busan
  • ThailandⅡ①
  • MalaysiaⅡ②
  • PhilippinesⅢ②
  • Philippines Ⅲ①
  • Malaysia Ⅱ①