Job related links

A collection of job-related sites.There are also commercial-based sites, but please check the contents of the service carefully before using.

Number of establishments listed in job postings

10,516 companies 52.8 companies per applicant
1,287 kindergartens and nursery schools, 27.4 per applicant
516 hospitals 5.9 hospitals per applicant
Welfare facilities 1,886 facilities 94.3 facilities per applicant

Employment information navigation

Region-limited employment information navigation


Employment information for national civil servantsNational Personnel Authority HP Click here for information on national civil servants
Local government employee information (municipalities)Comprehensive recruitment information for municipalities on the website of the Agency for Local Authority Information Systems
Osaka Employment Service Center for ForeignersA must-see for international students
Everyone's job hunting diaryJob hunting bulletin board
Japan Chamber of CommerceThe website of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Links to chambers of commerce nationwide
Hyogo Prefecture Welfare Human Resource CenterHP of Hyogo Prefecture Council of Social Welfare
Zero One Internship ・ Zero One MagazineJapan's largest internship recruitment information site specializing in long-term internships