Learning support tutor

At our university, student staff are active in various departments such as open campus, library, SA (Student Assistant) and TA (Teaching Assistant).Learning support tutors are one of them.A learning support tutor is a student who provides academic support.

Students who have completed the training program act as "study support tutors" and provide individual guidance to new students and lower-class students outside of class.We think together about things you don't understand in class, give advice on study plans, and give advice on how to write reports.Teachers may also provide support for individual guidance during extracurricular sessions held by teachers.

Please check with the Academic Support Office on each campus for information such as tutor availability and counseling sessions.

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Activities of learning support tutors

Individual consultation

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You can come to the office during the tutor's office hours and receive individual consultation.

From solving everyday questions such as not knowing how to format a computer needed to write a report, wanting to know how to use printers and campus systems, to preparing for assignments and exams. Let's think together about the problems faced by all the students.

Please check with the Academic Support Office of each campus for the availability of tutors.

Tutor planning (study sessions, consultation sessions, etc.)

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We plan and hold study sessions for important subjects in each department, such as study sessions, report support sessions, and preparation sessions. Each subject has been set by the tutor himself based on his own experience of having trouble studying and preparing for it, so many students participate every time. They may also participate in study sessions held by teachers outside of class as support.

Depending on the campus, we offer opportunities for you to experience the atmosphere of individual tutor consultation, such as ``anything consultation sessions'' or ``tutor's cafes.'' Those who want to talk with seniors and those who want to talk about things other than studying are also welcome! Please feel free to invite your friends and join us.

piano practice session

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*Amagasaki Campus only

At the Amagasaki campus, we have student staff called "piano tutors" who specialize in piano instruction. The piano practice room is open to the public every Monday during lunch break for students in the Faculty of Education. If you want to practice before a test, want to practice with a friend, or want someone to teach you how to play the piano, or just play for 10 minutes after eating lunch, please join us. .

2024 Learning Support Tutor

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