Support for students aspiring to be nursery teachers and teachers

“The practical training was tough, but it was a lot of fun. I definitely want to become a teacher.”
We hear such impressions from students who have completed practical training.Working as a nursery teacher or a teacher is a job where people-to-people relationships are important.It's a job where you can see your child's growth up close.It is a responsible job to raise children who will live in the future.That's what makes it so rewarding.
With the progress of globalization and the evolution of AI, it is expected that we will enter an era in which it is difficult to predict what kind of society will become in the near future.Therefore, even in a rapidly changing society, there is a demand for childcare workers and teachers who can respond flexibly and are enthusiastic.At Kansai University of International Studies, we aim to train practical nursery teachers and teachers who can handle childcare and education in an "unpredictable era", and we provide guidance and support from various angles.

Preparing for Nursery Teacher/Teacher Employment Examination

What is the Nursery Teacher Employment Exam/Teacher Employment Selection Exam?

Each local government sets the desired childcare worker image and teacher image, and conducts recruitment examinations.The content of the recruitment examination is roughly as follows.

Teacher recruitment screening test

Written test

Teacher education (teaching profession specialty): Questions that test comprehensive knowledge and understanding of education

  1. education regulations
  2. educational psychology
  3. education history
  4. Educational principles/school management/student guidance
  5. Curriculum and curriculum guidelines
  6. Special support education
  7. human rights education
  8. Educational current affairs/general current affairs

General education: General education and common sense (things learned in elementary, junior high, and high school)

  1. Humanities fields: Japanese, English, art, health and physical education, family, etc.
  2. Social field: history, geography, politics, economics, ethics
  3. Natural fields: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth science
  4. General current affairs: international affairs, politics, economy, society, information, etc.

Specialized knowledge: Knowledge of the most important "subject" is tested (highly difficult among written exams)

  1. Elementary school: All subjects (including English subjects)
  2. Kindergarten
  3. Junior high/high school: Examination subjects
  4. Special school
Essay test: logic + enthusiasm for the teaching profession + humanity + basic academic ability
Interview test: Evaluate the person from various aspects

Group interview, group discussion (group consultation), individual interview

Mock lesson
Scene instruction (role play)
Practical exam
  • Physical education practical skills (swimming, mat exercise, etc.)
  • Musical practical skills (piano, piano playing, singing, etc.)

Childcare worker employment examination

General education

general intelligence

  1. Sentence comprehension (reading modern and English long texts)
  2. Numerical reasoning (questions that measure processing ability)
  3. Judgment reasoning (middle and high school mathematics level)
  4. Material interpretation (reading statistical graphs)

General knowledge

  1. Social science (politics/economy/society)
  2. Arts and Sciences (Japanese history, world history, geography, Japanese language, thought, literature, art)
  3. Natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth science)

Professional education

  1. Childcare principle
  2. Educational principles and social care
  3. Child and family welfare
  4. social welfare
  5. childcare psychology
  6. child health
  7. Children's food and nutrition
  8. Childcare practice theory

Careful support for each student aiming to become a childcare worker or teacher

At our university, we provide generous guidance and support to students who want to become teachers through daily lectures, center programs, spring special courses, summer intensive courses, etc.

●2024 Teacher Recruitment Measures《Teacher Profession Committee HP) (4).jpg

ContinuousPreparation course

Kansai International University's childcare worker/teacher recruitment exam preparation is conducted throughout the year.As the implementation dates for teacher employment exams are being moved forward, some local governments are allowing third-year students to take the exams.In response to this situation, even second-year students are welcome to take the course.The Center Program, which starts in the spring semester, will be held consecutively, including a special preparation course for the summer vacation, a fall semester Center Program, and a preparation course for the spring vacation.

To prepare for the written exam, students participate in custom-made preparation courses, considering things like overcoming subjects they are weak in, exam subjects of the local government they are taking, and interviews.

Continuous countermeasure course

Teachers with field experiencepractical guidance

The teacher recruitment examination includes selection methods such as interviews (individual interviews, group interviews, and group discussions), mock lessons, and situational guidance, in which questions are asked based on issues in the educational field.Kansai International University has a large number of faculty members who have been active in the field of education for many years, including principals, vice principals, vice principals, and directors of the Board of Education.

Guidance and advice for preparing for interviews, mock classes, and situational guidance are not just limited to preparing for employment exams. This will also lead to your way of thinking as a teacher and specific teaching techniques. With the aim of becoming teachers who are close to children and their parents and teachers who continue to learn, we are working on teacher preparation courses that can be used in schools.

All faculty and staffSupport system at

Regarding your career path after graduation, interviews with not only faculty members but also staff from the Career Support Division are important opportunities.
In their third year, all students decide on their career path through an interview with a staff member of the Career Support Division.Through this interview, aspiring teachers also decide on the municipality in which they will take the exam and receive advice on how to prepare for the exam.Of course, you are welcome to consult with us regarding the entrance exam at any time.

At Kansai International University, faculty and staff work together to support students in their goal of becoming a teacher.

center program

  • Starting from second grade, we have a program that helps students solidify their foundations in preparation for taking the childcare worker/teacher employment exam.Students who are trying to overcome their weakest subjects, such as science and mathematics, participate.
  • Regarding preparation for mock classes, practical guidance will be provided not only on preparation for employment exams, but also on how to ask questions, how to write on the blackboard, and group work, which will be useful when teaching as a teacher.
  • In the simulated daycare, childcare can be developed while observing the expressions and behavior of the children, assuming various life situations at the kindergarten, such as using words according to the child's development, adjusting the appropriate speaking speed, and using gestures. I will guide you accordingly.In addition, in cooperation with affiliated nurseries such as Shioe Futaba Nursery School and Chappie Nursery School, children can actually read picture books in front of the children and acquire solid practical skills.
  • Interview guidance measures start from looking at yourself, such as "What are your strengths?", "Why do you want to be a childcare worker/teacher?" Start.Through group discussions (discussions), group interviews, individual interviews, etc., students acquire basic skills such as "speaking" and "listening" and express their own ideas. Use this as an opportunity to think about how to argue.

Spring special lecture

Students who will take the nursery teacher/teacher employment examination next year will participate.
As a starting point for interview preparation, we will create a self-PR (self-introduction) from an effort to re-examine yourself, such as your own strengths, and why you want to become a nursery teacher/teacher.In addition, we provide individual support to answer students' questions, such as how to write an application form, and to relieve their anxiety about the nursery teacher/teacher recruitment examination.

Summer Intensive Course

From August to early September, the university will be closed for summer holidays, but it will be a time to prepare for the nursery teacher and teacher employment exams.Students will take preparation courses for interviews, short essays, mock classes/childcare, music practice, etc. according to the exam content of the local government.

Details of teacher examination preparation program (center program) timetable, etc.

Teaching practice support

Practical teaching is a compulsory subject for obtaining a kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, and special support school teacher's license.In practical training, based on what you have learned in university classes, you will experience the actual situation in the classroom.It is also an opportunity for them to recognize their roles and responsibilities as teachers and contribute to their personal development.Not only the relationship with the children, but also how the teachers are involved with the children, what kind of work the teachers do outside of class, and so on. is also important.At our university, we give careful guidance to students who are engaged in such teaching practice.

Support for childcare practice

Childcare practice is a compulsory subject for obtaining nursery teacher qualifications.In childcare practice, trainees understand that they have a variety of roles, not only in relation to children, but also in how nursery teachers relate to children, how to deal with parents, and how to configure and prepare the environment for the next day. To go.

Internship support