GS activity report

GS activity report

[Center for Global Education] Global Study III (Philippines/Summer 2017 Cebu) Activity Report 2

The second report of "Global Study III (Philippines/Summer 2017 Cebu)" has arrived, so I would like to introduce it.

From August 8st, we are conducting a three-week global study in Cebu, the Philippines, to think about safe and secure living in a society of poverty and disparity.The second week is a week of "practice" based on understanding and learning about poverty in the first week. We are working with our buddies to develop products that make use of the village's specialty products.

When delivering meals to children, we start with chopping firewood and starting a fire, and prepare meals for 300 to 400 people.There are many children who eat bento before lunch because they have to travel two hours to go to school, and children who cannot eat until they are full.With eyes full of anticipation, the students had to quickly prepare the food in unfamiliar ways and finish serving the food within the allotted time.In addition, in front of children with extremely high curiosity, willingness to learn, and communication skills, the lessons they have prepared do not go as expected, and they are forced to consider improvement plans for the next lesson.Through these activities, students are shaken by values ​​and values ​​that they have taken for granted, such as happiness, fairness, family, independence, and ways of life, and are beginning to explore new ways of leadership.

“Because I put too much emphasis on teaching, I was only thinking about the success of the class. It is not the success of the class that is exciting. In order to put this into practice, it is important to understand and think about the children, the scenery around them, the state of school and life. We can reduce the guise of 'cultural rape'."

“For product development, we formed a team without a leader. I was dissatisfied with the difference between the image of the leader I selfishly held and the reality, and I was just complaining even though I didn't do anything.There is still a part of me waiting for the leader's instructions.However, all the members It's important to look at the whole picture, to try to work toward goals, and to act on my own initiative."

There is only one week left of activities that I thought would be long.We look forward to further changes and growth of our students.


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