GS activity report

GS activity report

[Center for Global Education] Global Study III (Philippines/Summer 2017 Cebu) Activity Report 3

The three-week global study, which began on August 8st in Cebu, Philippines, has finally reached its final day.The third week was a week to further "develop" the second week's "practice" based on the first week's understanding and learning about poverty.What did the students learn about poverty, social disparity, new leadership, and their own way of life and values?

“Until I participated in this program, I think I was unconsciously looking for reasons why I couldn’t do it. However, when I came to the Philippines and there were more things I couldn’t do, at first I thought I couldn’t do it because it was different from Japan. , In the first place, it is different to compare it with Japan, and I realized that nothing will change just by thinking that you can't do what you can't do.It's just a complaint and childish criticism that you can't do it because you don't have 〇〇.Limited. If you don't decide what you can do in a situation like this, nothing will start. I misunderstood the meaning of 'looking at things critically'."

It is said that "others are my mirrors", but I realized that I was not able to communicate with others and could not see myself.People have different ways of thinking, and if you communicate with many people, you can get to know yourself and broaden your thoughts and knowledge.People who can expose their weaknesses feel loved by many.That is, there are people who understand and accept you, and you also love those around you.He doesn't have a strangely high pride or excessive self-consciousness.When I know my weakness, I want to be a person who can face it firmly and accept it. ”

“For the past three weeks, I was so busy with myself that I had a hard time. I didn’t have time to listen to the feelings of the members. No. When I think about it, I wonder what kind of life I've been living in until now.I'm not poor, but I don't have the happiness that the villagers feel.A world where people are connected only on the surface. The only people I am connected to are my family and my true friends.

“Filipinos value things highly and are open-minded. Even young children are grateful that they can go to school and have food. Don't settle for just that.Be grateful for everything and convey your feelings to the other person.Being embarrassed or embarrassed is an excuse.Being able to express your feelings to the other person is the value you learned in this program. I think there is.There are many countries other than the Philippines where Japan's common sense is not.I will never forget that and tell many people what I have seen with my own eyes.I am now a university student That's all you can do, Cebu is not a resort, it's a country with visible economic disparities and only a few wealthy areas."

I think there were more things I didn't do than I did in the three-week program.However, that is the aim of this program, and many students faced their own weaknesses, limitations, and discovered many challenges to continue learning in the future.The program is over, but the learning never ends.Let's deepen our learning based on a lot of notices.


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