GS activity report

GS activity report

[Center for Global Education] Global Study II (Myanmar/2017 Winter Yangon ①) Activity Report 2


We have received the second report of the "Global Study Myanmar 2 Program", so I would like to introduce it.

From February 2, "GS Myanmar ①" held a science class at the elementary school attached to Raidhamathidak Nunnery. We used the BTB solution and asked them to actually perform an experiment.We had them see and experience with their own eyes that we take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, and that plants take in and give out oxygen.

On February 2th, we made a thread phone and had them experience a long thread phone and connect with everyone in the group.And finally, I explained the principle of string telephone.

Also, on the last day of March 3st at Raidamathidak Nunnery Elementary School, we conducted a water quality test experiment with the teachers using a water quality test kit, as well as interacting with the teachers.After that, we interviewed the teachers and reflected on the few days.

Next, on March 3nd, he visited the JICA Myanmar office, where he explained the activities being carried out by the JICA Myanmar office, an overview of the educational situation at elementary schools in Myanmar, and the current state of education reform (textbook reform). I was.I watched the students' classes every day, and I could see the growth of the students.

It is not only thanks to everyone who accepted our students locally that we were able to have such a fulfilling experience, but also thanks to everyone who supported us.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

(Responsible: Yoshiyuki Mukuda, Kazuya Taniguchi, Department of Child Studies, Department of Education and Welfare)


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