GS activity report

GS activity report

[Center for Global Education] Global Study II (Cambodia/2017 Winter Phnom Penh) Activity Report 2


In the second week, we looked back on last week's activities and continued our activities at the elementary school.

Despite meticulous preparations for classes, students are struggling with changing circumstances, such as when their children suddenly stop coming, or when they lose concentration and drop out of class.Even when faced with such a problem, we work together as a group to come up with solutions and repeat trial and error.After returning to the hotel, I put together a daily report of what I wanted to feel that day.Looking back on the contents of the class, even if it means cutting down on free time and sleeping time to prepare for the next day's class, it is a sign of the desire to contribute to Cambodian children as much as possible.

There is an interpreter in the class, but many students think that having an interpreter from English to Khmer will not reduce the distance between them and their children.They seem to feel that they can communicate their feelings even if they do not understand each other's language.In addition, the class is divided into XNUMX groups, and by doing it in groups, you can learn how to discuss, how to convey your own opinions, and how to accept the opinions of others, and your communication skills will improve. Uka

It seems that they are learning many things in their daily lives, such as how to manage their time, how to manage their own physical condition, and how to understand values ​​that differ from their own.I hope that students will use what they have learned in this program in their student life after returning to their home countries, and that it will lead to their own growth in the future.The program is still going on, but it's 33 degrees and the sun is strong and it's hot and humid, so please take care of your physical condition.


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