GS activity report

GS activity report

[Center for Global Education] Global Study I (Taiwan/2018 Winter Taichung) Activity Report 1


The GS Taichung Program aims to clarify the current state of academic disparities in elementary schools and countermeasures based on fieldwork and interview surveys at elementary schools and teacher training colleges in Taiwan, mainly in Taichung City, Taiwan. , It will be held from March 3 (Monday).

On the first day of the first half of the program, I visited a public elementary school attended by Han Chinese children and was allowed to observe a music class for fourth graders and a performance class for third graders.

In the music class, each child used a computer to create music to enhance their creativity with digital music.

First, select a style of music, such as Raggae, RockPop, DiscoHouse, etc., and then select an instrument for the tone.Then, decide on the composition of the music, including the prelude and postlude, create a song, and adjust the volume of each instrument.The children listened to music through headphones while concentrating on their creations.

In the performance class, we used our bodies to express things (kettles, fans, etc.).First, each child performed a physical expression in slow motion, and then each group determined the parts of one motif and devised the expression.

On the second day, we visited a public elementary school attended by indigenous children to understand the roots of Buraku families, and the children thought about how to express themselves through the designs of indigenous people.In the 6th grade class, the children learned about the treatment of illnesses using natural wild herbs by tribal elders.

Mr. Kawamura was interviewed by Aboriginal TV about his impressions of Aboriginal education.

(Responsible: Hikaru Kawamura, Kaori Shimakawa, Department of Child Studies)


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