Learning support room

Learning support room

Let's learn "Morphology and Function II" with a learning support tutor (Miki Campus)

7Month15In the XNUMXth period on Friday (Friday), the study support tutor of the Department of Nursing held a study session on "Form and Function II"ZOOMwas held at

This is a report from a learning support tutor.

Morphology and Function II is a subject that first-year students take in the spring semester, but every year we hear that it is difficult because there is a lot to memorize.1I struggled a lot when I was a freshman.I thought that I could support first-year students from such an experience, so when I held this study group,52There was a participation of the name.

It is very difficult to organize a lot of knowledge.However, I tried to make the explanations fun, easy to understand, and easy to remember by using illustrations, puns, and characters as examples.In addition, since the content related to the national exam will come out, I asked the first graders to solve the actual national exam questions and review what they learned.It seems that participants were able to solve their doubts on the spot by accepting and responding to chat and verbal questions as appropriate when they did not understand.In addition, we set up a question time at the end and answered other subjects, study methods, student life, practical training, etc.

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Here are some of the voices of the first-year students who participated.

  • By participating this time, I was able to know what I should focus on studying and what kind of study method is most efficient.
  • I was able to ask individual questions and immediately solve the points I didn't understand, so my understanding deepened.It was a lot of fun to have everyone solve the actual national exam questions and answer them by chatting freely.
  • The points were narrowed down, and the introduction of puns was easy to understand.It was a pleasure to answer your questions politely.
  • I didn't know where to start, so I'm glad that this opportunity was created and I was able to hear various stories from my seniors.

If there is something you didn't understand at the study session, or if you were unable to participate in the study session, please come and consult with the tutor at the Learning Support Office during lunch break.

Let's study hard together!

Nursing study support tutor

Karin Harada Kanna Hirata

Kino Hashimoto Cheeks Hirai

Learning support tutor

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