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KUISs Kobe Yamate Rakugo Event Information

 With the spread of SNS and the spread of COVID-XNUMX, there are fewer opportunities to receive laughter and excitement through actual experiences in culture and entertainment.Traditional performing arts have struggled to attract customers despite measures taken against infectious diseases, and it is undeniable that the number of people walking at night has decreased and the vitality of the area has declined.
 In light of this situation, the Kamigata Rakugo Association, which revived the rakugo culture base in Shinkaichi, Kobe, with the idea of ​​providing opportunities for people to come in contact with real traditional performing arts live and revitalize the region through a shared experience of laughter. With your cooperation, we have decided to hold the "KUISs Kobe Yamate Rakugo Show" as follows at our university's Kobe Yamate Campus, which is the hub of learning.
The event will be held in the evening so that a wide range of people can participate in addition to the younger generation. (Meals can also be taken home)
As one of the pleasures of the night in Kobe, not only students, parents and graduates, but also people working in the city and people living in the area can enjoy a moment of peace and smiles, and new fans of Kamigata rakugo. I would appreciate it if you could help me with the development.

Click here for information leaflet (PDF file)


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Shofukutei Nichi
President of Kamigata Rakugo Association
The chief disciple of the late Nikaku Shofukutei.He is a master of new rakugo storytelling that boasts a wealth of awards such as the Agency for Cultural Affairs Arts Festival Excellence Award.
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Katsura Fukumaru
Born in Kobe City.
Efforts are being made to popularize rakugo, such as English rakugo and children's only rakugo.The gentle classical rakugo at the vaudeville is a must-listen.
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Aoba Katsura

Born in Kobe City.
A graduate of the university in 2009.
He is also attracting attention as a handsome young storyteller.I want my alma mater to laugh and impress.

Lecture date

2022 9/16(Money)
18:00 open / 18:30 start

Application deadline

We have reached the capacity, so we will close the application.


Capacity: 80 name
*First-come-first-served basis, deadline as soon as capacity is reached

Tuition fee

5,000 Yen(with meals)

* A 2000 yen discount will be given to current students and parents.

* Graduates(Kansai International University, Kansai Jogakuin Junior College)For those who are, a discount of 1000 yen will be given.


Kansai University of International Studies Kobe Yamate Campus Building 3 Basement Cafeteria

Click here for the location of the Kobe Yamate Campus (Building No. XNUMX)

How to apply

If you would like to apply, please click one of the banners below.

* Registration will be done by e-mail, so please apply one by one.

Notes on email addresses

When applying, please refer to the following site link "Notes on email addresses"you have toplease confirm.

Notes on email addresses