Research Institute

Education Research Institute

The purpose of the Institute of Education is to investigate and research a wide range of policies and finances related to education, as well as improvements in education and research. In fiscal 2008, we conducted research on higher education, such as research on developing generic skills in university education, research on common reading in the first year of university, and research on self-directed learning of English at university. and training, and projects to develop English education suitable for Asia.

Global Communication Institute

The Global Communication Research Institute conducts surveys and research on communication, which extends to areas such as information, language, communication techniques, and human relations, and also surveys and research on the achievement of organic cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region. The purpose is to

Safety Management Institute

Investigation, research, and activities related to a “safe and secure” society and its mechanisms, which are fundamental values ​​for human beings, and what kind of management is necessary to create a safe and secure environment, and the results The purpose is to give back to the organizational goals of the university and to the local community.

Well-being Research Institute

The Well-being Research Institute was established with the aim of conducting surveys and research on "Well-being" and developing and improving educational content and methods from various perspectives, such as social promotion of mental and physical health and welfare that lead to happiness. I was.The three Cs of our school's educational mission, ``Communication'' and ``Consideration''. We strive to develop human resources who can build and manage a well-being society through specific activities and experiences in the community while understanding diverse values ​​through education based on two perspectives.

About the establishment commemorative public seminar