
Embrace the unknown, for it is where growth and enlightenment lie

ニシュタ ゴエル Nishtha Goel
University of Delhi
Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies 3年

As a student from India, the idea of an inter-university exchange program in Japan was as distant as the land of the rising sun itself. Yet, in July, I embarked on a journey that would redefine my academic and personal horizons. The thought of being in a new country seemed a bit daunting at first, but after having completed the program, I can testify that not for a second did I feel like I was away from home. Arriving in Japan was a very new experience. The culture, the language, the customs--all were wonderfully different yet exciting.


Through spirited debates, countless brainstorming sessions, and passionate presentations, we developed a business idea that transcended borders. It was a testament to the power of collaboration and the strength of diversity. Each team member contributed a unique piece of the puzzle, forming a comprehensive and innovative proposal. We were able to come up with an idea that was loved by everyone enough to be given an award and it was a very proud moment for my team and me.


The heart of the program lay in cross-cultural teams, where I found myself alongside students from the UK, Japan, Australia, and Canada. The first days were filled with conversations and getting to know each other and embracing cultural differences. In workshops and seminars, we explored the complexities of international business and the nuances of cross-cultural management. It was a refreshing change from the usual classroom setting. The diverse backgrounds of our peers allowed us to see problems from multiple angles, enriching our understanding.


This program was more than an academic experience; it was a personal transformation. It taught me the value of empathy, effective communication, and adaptability. It made me a global citizen, ready to embrace new challenges with an open mind.


Outside the classroom, we immersed ourselves in Japanese culture and it was a lifetime experience of being in a new country with people from all around the world! It was during these moments that bonds were forged. We shared our own traditions, learned from each other, and formed friendships that transcended national boundaries.

As I reflect on my exchange program in Japan, I am filled with gratitude to my university for selecting me and to the program organizers for their meticulous planning. This journey was a symphony of cultures, ideas, and friendships that will resonate within me for years to come. To future students, I say: Embrace the unknown, for it is where growth and enlightenment lie.

My exchange program in Japan was not just a chapter in my academic life; it was a transformative story of personal and cultural growth. It was a journey that allowed me to develop new perspectives, form meaningful friendships, and acquire invaluable life skills. It was a great learning experience that will forever shape my future endeavors.
