
Public speaking, once a weakness, became a strength

チャールズ ティオ Charles Tio
観光学科 1年

The Venture Makers Entrepreneurship Program in Australia was a transformative two-week experience. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, fostering personal and professional growth. Working with diverse individuals enhanced my cultural sensitivity and adaptability.

Public speaking, once a weakness, became a strength. With support, I learned effective communication, invaluable for my future endeavors.


The stage was our startup presentation, where we showcased our AI-driven solution and commitment to SDGs. Positive feedback validated our hard work and emphasized the importance of teamwork, innovation, and growth mindset.


This program immersed me in entrepreneurship and innovation. Creating a startup aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) required critical thinking, adaptability, and resilience. Challenges included refining our business model, market research, and pivoting when needed.

In summary, the Venture Makers Program was unforgettable. It equipped me with essential skills and knowledge, shaping me into a more adaptable and resilient individual. This journey is a cherished chapter in my academic and personal growth, inspiring my passion for entrepreneurship and innovation.
