
Pushing my own thinking and ideas

石谷 太紀 Taiki Ishitani
英語コミュニケーション学科 3年

This program was a testing journey that pushed my own thinking and ideas, as well as developing my entrepreneurial spirit.


Since there were no activities on Saturday and Sunday, we went to experience Sydney's city life and nature. Due to the large land area, there was a lot of nature, and many lawns and other green areas in and around the city. We heard very interesting stories from local people about how they use Australia's vast nature to feel connected to Mother Earth and how the human body works.


The activities involved group work, where each group was assisted by a local teacher. This photo shows the first activity. This activity requires the ability to conceive and discuss ideas. Everyone was quite tired after this day.

During this program, I had wonderful encounters not only with students, but also with instructors, local people, and many other people. All those moments of interacting with people remain vivid in my memory. I would like to thank everyone involved in this program.
