Medicine Hat College

Country Canada
University name Medicine Hat College
English notation Medical Hat College

Location Medicine Hat, Alberta
study abroad period
Dormitory fee
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions
University information A public college founded in 1965 (a college is an educational institution that aims to acquire knowledge and skills that are directly linked to careers).About 3,600 students.The main campus is located in Medicine Hat, Alberta and has approximately 2,500 students. The second campus is located in Brook, California, about 2 kilometers west of Medicine Hat, and has about 100 students.Major Areas: General Culture, Business & Computers, Health & Public Services, Trade.
Location information Medicine Hat is located in southern Alberta, on the border with Alberta and Saskatchewan.A town known for producing natural gas.It takes about 3 hours by car or 50 minutes by plane from Calgary.It has the longest hours of sunshine and most sunny days in Canada.Summers are hot and dry and winters are cold.Although small, it has a well-equipped community hospital, many parks, universities, and colleges.Various outdoor activities such as skiing, golf, canoeing, and windsurfing are also popular.
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