Atmajaya Yogyakarta University

Country Indonesia
University name Atmajaya Yogyakarta University
English notation Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta

Location Yogyakarta City
study abroad period
Dormitory fee
Acceptable Faculties/Conditions
University information It was founded in 1965 as the Indonesian University of Catholic Atma Jaya's Yogyakarta campus. Independent as Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta in 1973.
It has six faculties in engineering, economics, law, technology, and social and political science, and five graduate schools in management, civil engineering, law, digital architecture, and information science.
Location information Yogyakarta City is the capital of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is located on the central southern coast of Java Island in the Republic of Indonesia.A tourist destination that has prospered as the center of Java since ancient times and has preserved its own unique culture.In addition to the two World Heritage Sites in the suburbs, the royal palace, market, and museums in the city still retain the vestiges of those days.On the other hand, it is also famous as a student town, and many universities are concentrated there.
May to October is the dry season, and November to March is the rainy season.Hot and humid throughout the year.
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