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Student's Growth as Revealed by University Study Benchmarks

Comparison of students who achieved goals and those who did not

 Graduating students evaluated their achievement of the university study benchmark. To those who achieved and failed to achieve a benchmark average of 3.0 or more, when asked "What do you think has triggered your growth?" The accomplished students said that they were able to experience wonderful lessons. Also, they were able to meet very knowledgeable professors. Many students cited their experiences related to lessons and faculty members. Based on the participants' responses, it can be deduced that that students who are able to adapt well to teachers and lessons are likely to grow significantly by the time they graduate. In other words, it is important to create an environment where students are more likely to be motivated in the lessons and teachers in order to empower them to become successful.

 The results and data analysis are presented at the Faculty Development (FD) program for teaching and non-teaching staff. Furthermore, these results are used to improve teaching and learning environment.