

【Gコミ学科】Using Gestures for Effective Presentations


Speakers generate a great amount of emotion and interest through the use of non-verbal communication, often called gestures or body language (Toastmasters International, 2023). A speaker's body can be an effective tool for emphasizing and clarifying the words they use, while reinforcing their sincerity and enthusiasm. This week our second year students presented their chosen topic, exphasizing on the use of gestures.

There are four points that Stafford (2012) suggests in order to achieve effective use of gestures.

1) Make gestures during key points

2) Make a suitable number of gestures

3) Make appropriate gestures

4) Make natural gestures

These were the topics that students presented.

  1. Are friends more important than family?
  2. Do you think your parents understand you?
  3. Do you often argue with your mother or father?
  4. What do you think about your mother's cooking?
  5. Have you ever seen your father cook something?
  6. Do your parents trust you?
  7. What do your parents do in their free time?
  8. What do you and your family like to do together?
  9. Who is the most unusual person in your family?
  10. Should children help with housework?

国際コミュニケーション学部 グローバルコミュニケーション学科 Instagram開設しました。

【教授 Jonathan Aliponga】


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