

【心理学部】Coventry Universityからのオンラインvideo教材作成依頼について ―イギリスと日本で少年が子どもを殺した事件に共通点はあるのかー




これらの背景には、イギリスでは自国で起きた犯罪が欧米の観点のみで考察され、犯罪心理学を学ぶ学生が幅広い学術的見地を持つことができないため、海外の多様な視点を与えることを目的として、日本の法科学(forensic psychology)の専門家を介して信頼できる情報を得たいとの意向があったようである。

取材の前には、Coventry大学広報課のDigital Media Producerと中山教授との間でメールによる事前打合せが綿密に行われ、最終的に10月3日にAarti Kotecha講師が直接質問し、中山教授が英語で答えるという形式で行われた。当初、取材時間は30分程度という予定であったが、結果的に1時間20分に及ぶインタビューとなり、池田小学校事件(2001年)、秋葉原無差別殺傷事件(2008年)、津久井やまゆり園事件(2016年)といった無差別大量殺人事件にも言及された。




1. What is known about the background of the boy who committed these murders? What factors are suggested to have contributed to his offending? How might cultural or environmental factors have contributed to his offending?

(Makoto's answer)

There are many cases where we don't understand the motives for killing, but sometimes they are cases where a perpetrator has some developmental disorder or psychiatric illness. In the case of the Kobe child murders, it is probably unlikely that the motive was related to cultural or environmental factors. After Boy A was arrested, psychiatrists diagnosed him with a 'behavioural disorder'. But in the last several years, understandings of developmental disorders have improved. Recently some psychiatrists made a diagnosis that he might have a pervasive developmental disorder such as autism spectrum. This used to be called Asperger's syndrome.

The boy had a strong obsession with the death of human beings, and also lacked sympathy for others. It seems that he didn't understand the importance of life, so for him everything had equal value with no difference between the life of a human and a vegetable. Also he showed symptoms such as having imaginary companions, and creating his own words. These behaviours suggest some type of autism spectrum. So, he carried out a series of violent acts like striking a girl's head with a hammer, slashing another girl's body with a knife and strangling a boy with a shoe lace. In all cases, he wanted to acquire information about the process of humans dying.

2. Boy A sent provocative letters to the police and a local newspaper. What might have motivated him to do this? What might he have been trying to achieve by doing this?

(Makoto's answer)

I believe he was an extreme exhibitionist. He felt pleasure to be feared by people. This is why he sent mysterious letters to attract attention from the public. For example, in one of the letters he was persistent with the correct pronunciation of his name. And he says he 'started murder games' and 'loves killing people'. This is probably to please himself by terrifying others. Also, he invented his own words like his name 'Sakakibara' and 'invisible existence'. Coining own words can be part of his spectrum. Then, he included true and false information to confuse the investigators and to try to escape arrest. Probably he wanted to display himself and gain respect from other people.


1. Both perpetrators reportedly had hatred against society ,or their parents. How do criminal psychologists see their motives? Why would they have wanted to harm a large number of people or target other people?

(Makoto's answer)

Tomohiro Kato wrote a lot of self-abusive messages and comments on social media for years before he carried out the attack. Mamoru Takuma repeated violent remarks against the family of the deceased at his court. Kato and Takuma didn't try to escape when they were arrested. And Takuma even said that he wanted to be sentenced to death, but I don't trust his words. I think that both carried out these crimes for self-esteem needs, or a desire to make themselves known to people. They are not the type of people who have special talents, so I suspect massacre was the only method they could think of to gain acknowledgement from the public.

2. In terms of involving innocent others, do you call these cases 'terrorism'? Are these types of indiscriminate mass murder crimes that involve other irrelevant citizens considered as 'terrorism' or do you think they are different? Also are they different from mass shooting such as school shooting in the US? If they are different, how?

(Makoto's answer)

Terrorists don't think they are committing crimes even if they kill a number of people. For example, a suicide bomber thinks that their actions will diminish their enemy's fighting spirit. Sometimes they even believe that it's a holy war or jihad, so they don't hesitate to give their lives. I would call this behaviour as a part of an 'extended suicide'. They kill themselves for the sake of something or somebody. However, the incidents in Japan are not motivated by self-belief or a sense of loyalty. They carried out mass murder solely for themselves. I don't think it's right to categorise terrorism and indiscriminate mass murder under the same category of 'extended suicide' because mass murder is for the perpetrator's own benefit, such as need for esteem or approval from others. This is totally different from terrorism.













質問2:無関係な他者を巻き込むという点で、これらの事件はテロリズムなのでしょうか? このような巻き込み型の無差別大量殺人はテロリズムなのか、あるいは違うものだと思いますか?また米国の学校などで頻発するスクールシューティングなどとも違うのでしょうか?違うのであればどのように違うのでしょうか?




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